torsdag 1 november 2012

Parfumistans Blogg turns six years

Picture:Hip, Hip, hurra!
Oil on canvas, Peder Severin Kröyer, 1886
The colony of painters who worked in Skagen, Denmark, have gathered in a garden for a celebration.
Today six years ago this blog was born but under a slight different name Parfumistans Dagbok, The Diary of the Parfumista, it was in Swedish and at that time hosted on the blogservice of one of the Swedish newspapers. After almost a year the diary became Parfumistans Blogg on the website of the leading Swedish fashionemagazine Damernas Värld. But perfume is not that big in Sweden (or maybe beauty editors think it’s not that big because there is definitly a growing interest out there) and after 2,5 years the perfumeblog was cleaned out in favour of conventional beautyblogs and I was continued here on Blogger. What has started as a hobbyproject during marternity leave is today still a hobbyproject occupying most of my spare time when free from the duites of work. Of course I could continue my sampling without reviewing but as I also like to write and had to take notes when sampling anyway, way not do the extra and write for the blog rewarded with an increasing numbers of readers from all over the world. Thank you allSo I will continue to sample and learn (the more I get into perfume, the more I  discover the little I know about this botanical-chemistry-artform) blogging about my passion: Perfume.

Speaking of learning: SOTD celebrating the Parfumistans Blogg anniversary is the pleasant, wellcrafted, classy Puredistance I ,a fragrance that I finally has learned to understand and now truly appreciate.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Happy blogaversary! I like to read you blog so I hope for six more years :-)

  2. Happy blogoversary! Wow! 6 years! That's incredible. :)
    It really is a hard work keeping one's blog alive and well for 6 years.
    Wishing you many more happy blogging years to come!

  3. Congratulations!!! Parfumistans blogg has to be one of the longest running perfume blogs in the blogosphere, right? Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to many more interesting posts to come :)

  4. B, I and F(S). Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes I think it is one of the longest still running perfumeblogs in the blogosphere and the longest still running in Sweden. When I started it was two ohter swedish perfumeblogs that I wasn't aware of when I started but both has disapperaed. Unfortunately the blogentries from the site of the fashionmagazine (late 2007-spring 2012) disappered, have them stored in Word but don't have the energy to publish them here again.

  5. Happy Blogoversary! I can't believe your blog is that old! :)

    To six more years!

  6. Thank you so very much Undina!Maybe it's time to retire but as the fountain of perfume is inexhaustible I will go on perfumeblogging anyway....:-)

    1. Nah, you're too young to retire - you'll get bored ;)

  7. Thanks U, you're definitely right!


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