lördag 14 september 2013

Fragrance(s) of the week (37) 2013 - Impression of Autour d'Parfum

Picture: Ambre Mystère Autour d'Parfum
Photo: PR Autour d'Parfums
To my nose the fragrances of Autour d'Parfum are good and affordable, robust perfumes that highlights some basic ingredients in perfumery. These fragrances are perfect as a base for the woody-oriental/ oriental section when start building a perfumewaredrobe.  Other robust, priceworthy basic fragrances is Les Nereides with a good Patchouli Patchouli Antique and good musks as Musc Samarkand and Musc de Java. Also the "solinotes" perfumes of Molinard is good as fore example Molinard Ambre, Vanille, and Patchouli.

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